Our Ministry
Creation Commission, Great Commission, & Moral Commission
In a minor excurses in God the Peacemaker: How atonement brings shalom, Graham A. Cole outlines what he calls the “three commissions lifestyle” (p.218-219). These three commissions form the framework of “[h]ow the Christian is to live in between the cross and the coming again of Christ.” Those three commissions are the Creation Commission, Great Commission, and Moral Commission.
The Creation Commission, often called the cultural mandate, involves the exercising of dominion over creation, identified in Gen. 1:28 (cf. Gen. 2:15, 19-20). In partaking of this commission, God’s image bearers create and cultivate what God has given so as to make an Earth that is beautiful and pleasing to God. In particular, one way in which humans fulfill this is to be fruitful and multiply and fill the Earth with God’s image.
The Great Commission found in Matt. 28:18-20 is in some ways a redemption of the original Creation Commission to fill God’s Earth with sinless worshipers. Each Christian is commissioned to be fruitful and make disciples. The Church as a whole will take the Gospel of Jesus – dying for our sins and being raised from the dead – to the ends of the Earth (Acts 1:8). Each new believer has become a new creature in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17); the image of God restored in them.
The Moral Commission is the call to holiness for each and every Christian (and human for that matter). In particular, we at this ministry feel the great need for the prophetic gift of moral discernment for the Church in an age of moral relativism. So much of Scripture, and specifically the New Testament, calls the child of God to live holy lives. As Christians, the call can seem even more important as our lives were bought and paid for by the sacrificial death of the Son of God. We don’t accept as true any description of the Gospel which doesn’t call every follower of Christ to full repentance of their sin (Matt. 4:17, 2 Pe. 3:9) and radical self-sacrifice (not necessarily martyrdom, but certainly that is still the case for many Christians living in presently hostile nations) as illustrated in Mark 8:34-38.
We, at The Whole Christian Life, seek to teach, guide, and encourage followers of Christ to live out each of these three commissions. Many ministries will specialize and focus on one or the other, but at The Whole Christian Life we wish to offer an expansive view of what a life lived in humble submission to Christ will look like. We pray you will be blessed.
Brandon S. Andrews
M.Div. & Th.M., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Elizabeth-White Williams Award for Distinguished Graduate Student in Christian Ethics (2019)
You can find my Th.M. research project at my Academia.edu page here.
B.A. Sociology, North Carolina State University
Hey friends! These “About Me” sections are often written in the third person, but that seems a little silly to me if I am the one writing it. I’d like to give you a personal introduction if that’s okay with you.
My name is Brandon Andrews. I’m originally from Granite Falls, North Carolina. I was a typical boy as a child. I loved the outdoors, sports, and my Super Nintendo (no you really didn’t need to know that!). My mother took me to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night (the weekly Baptist routine). Around the age of nine I was confronted with the reality that there is a God, I am a sinner, that my sin had broken my fellowship with God, and that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to eliminate the guilt of that sin. I gave my life to Christ then and was baptized soon after.
Skip forward many years, past some proud moments and some not proud moments. Sometime after high school I attended North Carolina State University (I should probably change this site’s color scheme to red and white now that I think about it…GO PACK!) where I received my B.A. in Sociology. Not long after that I attended Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where I completed my Master of Divinity and Master of Theology with a focus in Christian Ethics. I’ve worked in a variety of settings: warehousing, lawncare, recruiting, logistics, and more. Most recently I’ve transitioned into Christian education. I enjoy teaching Bible survey courses, theology and apologetics; whether that’s in the classroom, at church, or online.
The Gospel is certainly the substance of what shapes my calling into Christian ministry, but if I could identify the concept within the Gospel that is the source of my passion and renewal, it is that in Christ we are being restored to our original purpose as sinless worshipers of God. Thank you Dr. Liederbach for making that clear to me. All glory and honor and praise to Jesus our LORD. Amen. (Phil. 2:9-11).
I apologize, I just find these Jean Valjean memes really funny.
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